Welcome to SightTrax

Your gateway to the premier technology In Sports Vision Analytics.

Every SightTrax affiliated provider utilizes the FDA approved, RightEye Vision Analytics System which is recognized worldwide as the gold standard in vision analytics. It can efficiently and accurately provide a comprehensive assessment of an athlete’s current vision capabilities.


Thousands of professional, amateur, collegiate, high school, youth sports teams and individual athletes use RightEye to systematically improve their and their team’s on-field performance and monitor dynamic visual function in the event of an injury.

This assessment gives the athlete the information needed to determine if any remedial training is required to improve the vision aspects of tracking a moving object (Pursuits), maintaining focus on a fixed point (Fixation) and the speed and accuracy of switching focal points (Saccades).

Just as athletes must train their bodies to achieve their full performance potential, athletes must train their eyes to achieve their full vision potential. By getting a baseline sports vision analytics assessment from a SightTrax affiliated provider, the athlete can select the training aids best suited to correct any deficiencies identified. Reassessments during a vision improvement regimen will inform the athlete when peak vision efficiency has been achieved.

Find the Nearest Provider

Click here to find the nearest SightTrax affiliated provider specializing in sports vision where you can get the benefit of the premier vision analytics technology provided by the RightEye System. If you have questions about vision analytics, your RightEye Sports Vision Specialist can answer them and put you on track to peak vision performance.