Welcome to SightTrax

Your gateway to the premier technology In Vison Analytics in support of concussion therapy
Concussions typically impair vision functionality which can be determined by a comprehensive exam.

Every SightTrax affiliated provider utilizes the FDA approved, RightEye Vision Analytics System which is the worldwide gold standard in computer generated vision analysis. The RightEye System can efficiently and accurately provide a comprehensive assessment of a patient’s current vision capabilities which can reveal the aftereffects of a brain injury.

Assisted by reviewing the data generated by the RightEye system, the therapist can construct a therapeutic rehabilitation program to help the patient regain pre-injury functionality more quickly. By utilizing periodic reassessments during the rehabilitation process, the therapist is able to chart the progression of the patient’s recovery.

The assessment is comprised of a series of tasks involving the ability of tracking a moving object (pursuits), maintaining focus on a fixed point (fixation) and the speed and accuracy of switching focal points (saccades). The therapist has an array of RightEye tests to choose from dependent upon how the patient presents in the initial interview.

Find the Nearest Provider

Click below to find the nearest SightTrax Affiliated Provider where you can get the benefit of the premier vision analytics technology provided by the RightEye System in determining how best to treat a concussion. If you have questions about vision analytics, your RightEye equipped Concussion Therapist can answer them and put you on track to recovery.